Why LIve in Coquitlam? Here's some info at Glance!
141,000+ people call Coquitlam home
6,200+ licensed businesses operate in
our community
98% of residents rate their quality of
life as “good” or “very good”
1 in 4 residents over the age of 18
either work or go to school in Coquitlam
38: average age of Coquitlam residents,
younger than the BC average
43% of Coquitlam residents were born
outside of Canada (top three
countries: China, South Korea, Iran)
56% of residents over the age of 25
have post-secondary education
1: rank of the Coquitlam school district
in the Fraser Health Authority in terms
of high school completion rates
45,745: total number of housing units
77% of residents own their home
$109,712: average family income of
couples with children
$67,700: median income
*2014 stats
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